Beginner’s Guide to 30-Gallon Aquarium Fish Suggestions

Beginner’s Guide to 30-Gallon Aquarium Fish Suggestions. Are you searching for the best fish to keep in a 30-gallon aquarium that you want to set up? A 30-gallon aquarium is a wonderful choice for both experienced fishkeepers who want to extend their collection and beginners who want to start with a small tank. We’ll talk about the 30-gallon aquarium fish’s top recommendations in this article.

Choosing The Right Fish For Your 30-Gallon Aquarium

It’s important to keep in mind the size of your tank and how it will affect the fish you choose before we get into specific fish recommendations. It’s possible to keep an acceptable number of fish in a 30-gallon aquarium, but it’s necessary to prevent overcrowding. Fish overcrowding can cause tension, sickness, and even death. You should generally try to keep no more than 1 inch of fish per gallon of water in your tank.

Top Fish Suggestions For A 30-Gallon Aquarium

  • Neon Tetra
  • Harlequin Rasbora
  • Cherry Barb
  • Dwarf Gourami
  • Honey Gourami
  • Platy
  • Swordtail
  • Corydoras Catfish
  • Zebra Danio
  • Pearl Gourami

Schooling Fish

The following fish are perfect for a 30-gallon tank because schooling fish are a wonderful addition to any aquarium.

Neon Tetra

Neon tetras are small, brightly colored fish that are popular with many aquarium enthusiasts. They are a fantastic option for beginners because they are calm and simple to care for. Neon tetras are schooling fish, so you should keep at least 6-8 of them in your tank.

Harlequin Rasbora

Harlequin rasboras are another popular schooling fish. They have bright red bodies with a black triangle on their side. Like neon tetras, they are peaceful and easy to care for. You should maintain at least six of them in your tank.

Community fish

Community fish are peaceful and can coexist with other fish in the same tank. The following fish are great community fish for a 30-gallon aquarium.

Cherry Barb

Cherry barbs are colorful and active fish that are ideal for community tanks. They are peaceful and easy to care for, and they get along with other peaceful fish. In your tank, you need to maintain at least 5–6 of them.

Dwarf Gourami

Dwarf gouramis are small, brightly colored fish that are popular with many aquarium enthusiasts. They are peaceful and easy to care for, making them a great choice for beginners. You should keep only one male dwarf gourami per tank, as they can be aggressive toward each other.

Honey Gourami

Honey gouramis are another popular gourami species. They are peaceful and easy to care for, making them a great choice for beginners. They are a bit smaller than dwarf gouramis, so you can keep more than one in your tank.

Other fish

In addition to schooling and community fish, there are some other species that can thrive in a 30-gallon aquarium.


Platies are small, peaceful fish that come in a variety of colors. They are easy to care for and get along with other peaceful fish. You can keep several plates in your tank, but be sure to have more females than males to avoid aggression.


Swordtails are another colorful fish that are easy to care for and get along with other peaceful fish. They are a bit larger than plates, so you should only keep a few in your 30-gallon tank.

Corydoras Catfish

Corydoras catfish are bottom-dwelling fish that can help keep your tank clean by eating leftover food and debris. They are peaceful and get along with other peaceful fish. In your tank, you need to maintain at least 3-4 of them.

Zebra Danio

Zebra danios are active and playful fish that are easy to care for. They are peaceful and get along with other peaceful fish. You can keep several zebra danios in your tank.

Pearl Gourami

Pearl gouramis are larger than the other gourami species on this list, but they are still a good choice for a 30-gallon tank. They are peaceful and get along with other peaceful fish. You should only keep one male pearl gourami per tank.


Many different fish types can live in a 30-gallon aquarium, but it’s important to select fish who are comfortable with one another and the tank’s size. The fish suggestions in this article are all peaceful and easy to care for, making them great choices for beginners and experienced fishkeepers alike.


How many fish can be kept in a 30-gallon tank?

Aim for no more than 1 inch of fish per gallon of water in your tank as a general guideline. So in a 30-gallon aquarium, you should aim to keep no more than 30 inches of fish.

Can I keep different species of fish in a 30-gallon aquarium?

Yes, you can maintain various fish species in a 30-gallon aquarium as long as they get along with one another and the tank’s size.

How often should I clean my 30-gallon aquarium?

In order to keep a healthy environment for your fish, you should perform a partial water change and clean your tank at least once per week.

Can I keep live plants in my 30-gallon aquarium?

Yes, live plants can help improve the water quality and provide hiding places for your fish. Some good plant choices for a 30-gallon aquarium include java fern, anubias, and an amazon sword.

Do I need a heater for my 30-gallon aquarium?

Yes, most tropical fish require a temperature between 75-82°F, so you will need a heater to maintain a stable temperature in your 30-gallon aquarium.

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