Can Angelfish Live Without Oxygen?

Angelfish are among the most popular fish kept as pets due to their vibrant colors and unique appearance. They are freshwater fish that is native to South America and are found in rivers and streams easily. However, one question often arises is, can angelfish live without oxygen?

In this article, we will explore this topic in detail and answer some questions about angelfish and their oxygen requirements.


Fish require oxygen just like humans and other animals. However, the way in which they obtain it is different.

Fish obtain oxygen through their gills, which are located on either side of their head. The gills are designed to absorb oxygen from the water, which is then transported to the fish’s bloodstream. Without oxygen, fish cannot survive for long, and this is true for angelfish also.

Understanding Angelfish

Angelfish are popular freshwater fish that can grow up to six inches in length. They are known for their unique appearance, which includes long, triangular fins and a disc-shaped body.

Angelfish are normally found in slow-moving rivers and streams in South America, where they feed on small insects and plants.

The Importance of Oxygen for Fish

Oxygen is essential for fish survival because it is needed for respiration. Fish breathe through their gills, which extract oxygen from the water. Without oxygen, fish cannot produce the energy needed to swim, digest food, or perform other necessary functions.

Do Angelfish Need Oxygen?

Yes, angelfish need oxygen to survive. They, like all fish, require oxygen for respiration. Without oxygen, angelfish would not be able to breathe and would suffocate.

It is important to provide adequate oxygen to the water in which angelfish are kept to ensure their survival.

How Much Oxygen Do Angelfish Need?

The amount of oxygen that angelfish need depends on different factors, like the size of the tank or aquarium in which they are kept, the number of fish in the tank, and the temperature of the water. In general, angelfish require a dissolved oxygen level of at least 5 parts per million (ppm) to survive.

However, it is recommended to keep the dissolved oxygen level at around 8 ppm to ensure that the fish have enough oxygen to thrive.

Signs of Oxygen Deprivation in Angelfish

If angelfish are not getting enough oxygen, they will begin to show signs of oxygen deprivation. These signs may include gasping at the surface of the water, lethargy, loss of appetite, and a change in coloration. If you notice these signs, it is important to increase the oxygen levels in the water as soon as possible to prevent further harm to the fish.

How to Provide Oxygen for Angelfish

There are several ways to provide oxygen for angelfish. One of the most common methods is to use an air pump and air stone to create bubbles in the water. This will help to agitate the water and increase the oxygen levels.

Another option is to use a filter that includes a waterfall or spray bar, which will help to oxygenate the water. Additionally, live plants in the aquarium can help to increase oxygen levels by releasing oxygen during photosynthesis.


In conclusion, angelfish cannot live without oxygen. Oxygen is essential for their respiration, which is needed for them to carry out necessary bodily functions.

It is essential to maintain adequate oxygen levels in the water in which angelfish are kept to ensure their survival. Signs of oxygen deprivation in angelfish should be taken seriously and addressed promptly to prevent harm to the fish.


Can angelfish survive in water with low oxygen levels?

No, angelfish cannot survive in water with low oxygen levels. It is essential to maintain adequate oxygen levels in the water to ensure their survival.

How can I increase the oxygen levels in my angelfish tank?

You can increase the oxygen levels in your angelfish tank by using an air pump and air stone, using a filter with a waterfall or spray bar, or by adding live plants to the aquarium.

What is the recommended dissolved oxygen level for angelfish?

The recommended dissolved oxygen level for angelfish is around 8 parts per million (ppm) to ensure that the fish have enough oxygen to thrive.

What are the signs of oxygen deprivation in angelfish?

Signs of oxygen deprivation in angelfish may include gasping at the surface of the water, lethargy, loss of appetite, and a change in coloration.

Can I keep angelfish in a bowl without an air pump?

No, it is not recommended to keep angelfish in a bowl without an air pump. Angelfish require adequate oxygen levels to survive, and a bowl without an air pump may not provide enough oxygen for them.

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