This Is The Best Size Fish Tank For Beginners

The fish tank is the heart of your new aquarium, where you need to provide a home for your fish. As a beginner of the fish keeper, you want to acquire your first tank but don’t know what size to get. Don’t worry, this article will give practical and comprehensive advice on how to choose the best-size fish tank for beginners.

A lot of beginners of the hobby have trouble deciding what size aquarium is best for them. The biggest factor that determines your tank size is how many fish you are hoping to house in it.

What Is A Best Size Fish Tank For Beginners?

A fish tank is a container used to hold fish. Fish tanks can be made from a variety of materials, including glass, plastic, and metal. The most common material used to make fish tanks is glass. Glass fish tanks are typically rectangle-shaped with rounded corners.

Fish tanks come in a variety of sizes, from small desktop aquariums to large floor-standing models. The size of your fish tank will depend on the type of fish you want to keep and the number of fish you want to keep. For example, if you want to keep goldfish, you will need a larger tank than if you want to keep bettas.

When choosing a fish tank, it is important to consider the following factors:

Size Of Fish Tank For Beginners 

The size of your fish tank should be based on the type of fish you want to keep and the number of fish you want to keep.

Shape Of Fish Tank For Beginners

Fish tanks come in a variety of shapes, including rectangular, square, and hexagonal. The shape of your tank will not affect the type of fish you can keep. However, it is important to choose a shape that fits the space where you plan to put your tank.

Material Of Fish Tank For Beginners

The two most popular materials for fish tanks are glass and acrylic. Glass is the classic choice and it’s usually less expensive than acrylic. However, it’s also more fragile and it can chip or crack if you’re not careful. Acrylic is a newer material that’s becoming increasingly popular. It’s much more durable than glass and it doesn’t scratch as easily. It’s also lighter in weight, which makes it easier to move around.

What Size Fish Tank do I need?

This is a question that many beginner fishkeepers ask, and it can be difficult to determine the right answer. Depending on the type of fish you want to keep, and the number of fish you want to keep, the size of the tank you need will vary.

For example, if you want to keep goldfish, you will need a minimum of 20 gallons. However, if you want to keep tropical fish, you will need a minimum of 30 gallons. And if you want to keep both goldfish and tropical fish together, you will need a minimum of 50 gallons.

The best way to determine the size of the fish tank you need is to consult with a local pet store or aquarium society. They will be able to advise you on the best size tank for your particular needs.

How Big Is The Tank?

The size of the fish tank is one of the most important considerations for beginner fish keepers. Too small of a tank can cause water quality issues and make it difficult to maintain proper care for your fish. On the other hand, a tank that is too large can be expensive and unwieldy.

The best size fish tank for beginners is 20 gallons. This size tank is large enough to accommodate a variety of fish but small enough to be manageable. Plus, a 20-gallon tank is a good size for most homes and won’t break the bank.

If you’re just starting out with fishkeeping, a 20-gallon fish tank is a perfect choice.

How Much Will It Cost To Me?

If you’re thinking about starting a fish tank, you’re probably wondering how much it’s going to cost you. The good news is that you can get started with a fish tank for relatively little money. Here’s a breakdown of some of the costs associated with setting up a fish tank:

The cost of the fish tank itself: 

You can find fish tanks for as little as $20.

The cost of the stand: 

A stand for your fish tank can range from $20-$100, depending on the size and style of the stand.

The cost of the filter: 

A good filter for your fish tank will cost around $30.

The cost of the gravel: 

Gravel for your fish tank can range in price from $5-$20.

The cost of the plants: 

Live plants for your fish tank can cost anywhere from $5-$30.

The cost of the fish: 

The cost of the fish you put in your tank will vary depending on the type of fish you choose. Some common beginner fish, such as goldfish, can be purchased for as little as $3 each.

So, all in all, you could be looking at a total start-up

Do I Have To Buy A Heater And Filter Too?

No, you don’t have to buy a heater and filter if you don’t want to. You can buy a fish tank that comes with a built-in filter and heater, or you can buy a separate filter and heater. If you’re not sure which is best for you, ask a salesperson at your local pet store.


A fish tank is a great addition to any home and can provide hours of enjoyment. If you are a beginner, it is important to choose the right size fish tank so that you can be successful in keeping your fish healthy and happy. We hope that our guide has helped you choose the best-size fish tank for your needs and that you will enjoy many years of success with your new pet.

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