How to Make Oxygen for Fish at Home?

If you love aquariums, then you know what is the importance of maintaining proper oxygen levels in your fish tank. Insufficient oxygen levels can cause health problems stress and even death among your fish. There are various ways to provide oxygen to your aquarium, like adding an air pump or a filter. However, these options can be costly and maybe you cannot afford these according to your budget. In this article, we will guide you on how to make oxygen for fish at home using affordable and readily available materials.

Importance of Oxygen for fish

Before we start discussing about the methods of making oxygen for your fish at home, it is essential to understand why oxygen is important in an aquarium. Fish need oxygen to breathe, just like humans.

However, unlike us, fish can’t breathe air. Instead, they absorb oxygen through their gills from the water. Oxygen levels, that are insufficient, can cause your fish to suffocate, leading to stress, weakened immune systems, and even death.

Materials Required for Making Oxygen at Home

You don’t need any fancy equipment to make oxygen for your fish. Here are the materials required:

Hydrogen peroxide

An aquarium air stone

A small bowl or container

A measuring cup

A pipette

Method of Preparing Oxygen for fish at Home

Now that you have your materials ready, follow these simple steps to make oxygen for your fish:

Step 1: Dilute Hydrogen Peroxide

 For making oxygen for your aquarium, hydrogen peroxide is an excellent source. However, it is essential to dilute it to avoid harming your fish. Pour 1 ml hydrogen peroxide, measured, using a measuring cup, into a small bowl or container.

Step 2: Add Water

Add 4 ml of water to the container containing the diluted hydrogen peroxide. Mix the solution using the pipette gently.

Step 3: Attach the Air Stone

Attach the air stone to the end of the pipette. Ensure that the air stone is fully submerged in the hydrogen peroxide solution.

Step 4: Turn on the Air Stone

Turn on the air stone and watch as bubbles form in the hydrogen peroxide solution. These bubbles are rich in oxygen and will diffuse into the aquarium water, providing your fish with much-needed oxygen.

Other Methods of Oxygenating Aquariums

While the above method is effective in oxygenating your aquarium, there are other methods to consider. Here are some of them:

Using Live Plants to make oxygen for fish at home

Live plants can provide oxygen to your aquarium while also absorbing carbon dioxide produced by your fish. They are also visually appealing and provide a natural environment for your fish.

Installing a Filter to make oxygen for fish at home

A filter helps to oxygenate the water by agitating the surface, promoting gas exchange. Additionally, filters help to remove toxins and debris from the water, keeping your aquarium clean and healthy.

Adding an Air Pump to make oxygen for fish at home

An air pump can also oxygenate your aquarium by creating bubbles that agitate the water’s surface. Additionally, the bubbles promote gas exchange and help to keep the water moving, preventing stagnant areas.


Oxygen is essential in maintaining a healthy and thriving aquarium. While there are various ways to oxygenate your aquarium, making oxygen at home is affordable and straightforward. With the above guide, you can create oxygen-rich bubbles for your fish using readily available materials. Remember, always monitor the oxygen levels in your aquarium and adjust accordingly.


Can I use more hydrogen peroxide to make more oxygen?

No. 1.4 is the recommended ratio of hydrogen peroxide to water. Using more hydrogen peroxide can harm your fish.

Can I use other types of containers instead of a small bowl?

Yes, you can use any container that is small enough to hold the diluted hydrogen peroxide.

How often should I make oxygen for my aquarium?

The making of oxygen is dependent on the size of your aquarium and the number of fish in it. Normally, you should oxygenate your aquarium at least once a day.

Can regular peroxide be used, instead of hydrogen peroxide?

No, you should only use hydrogen peroxide as regular peroxide can harm your fish.

Is it necessary to use an air stone?

Yes, an air stone is necessary to diffuse the oxygen-rich bubbles into the aquarium water.

Remember, always follow the instructions carefully and monitor the oxygen levels in your aquarium. With the above methods, you can ensure that your fish thrive in a healthy and oxygen-rich environment.

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