How Much Does a Small Fish Tank Cost?

Are you thinking about adding a small fish tank for your home or office? One of the first questions you may think is, “how much does a small fish tank cost?” The answer to this question can be different, depending on a number of factors.

In this article, we will take a comprehensive look at the cost of a small fish tank and the factors that directly affect the cost and the types of fish tanks available, and we will give you some tips on how to save money.

Factors Affecting Small Fish Tank Cost

Before we start about the specific types of fish tanks and their associated costs, let’s take a look at the factors that can affect the price of a small fish tank:


The size of the fish tank is one of the most significant factors in determining its cost. A small fish tank, such as a 5-gallon tank, will surely be less expensive than a larger tank, like a 20-gallon tank as compared to the larger tanks.


The material that the fish tank is made from can also affect its cost. Glass tanks are usually more expensive than acrylic tanks because they are more durable and scratch-resistant and provide a better look to the fish in them.


The equipment that comes with the fish tank, like filters, heaters, and lighting, can also affect the cost. Some fish tanks come with all the necessary equipment, while others require additional purchases.

Type of Fish

The type of fish you plan to keep in the tank can also affect the cost. Some fish require special equipment, such as a heater or filter, which can add to the overall cost.

Types of Small Fish Tanks

Now that we know about the factors that can affect the cost of a small fish tank, let’s take a look at the different types of fish tanks available:

Basic Glass Tank

A basic glass fish tank is the most affordable option. These tanks come in  alot of sizes and are made from tempered glass. However, they may not come with any equipment, so you will need to purchase a filter, heater, and other accessories separately.

Basic Acrylic Tank

Acrylic fish tanks are more expensive than glass tanks, but they are also more durable and scratch-resistant. These tanks may come with basic equipment, such as a filter and heater.

Nano Tank

A nano tank is a small, compact fish tank that is designed to house a few small fish or shrimp. These tanks are typically less than 10 gallons and may come with all the necessary equipment.

Betta Tank

A betta tank is a small, specialized tank that is designed specifically for betta fish. These tanks are usually less than 5 gallons and come with all the necessary equipment.

Aquarium Kit

An aquarium kit is a complete package that includes a tank, equipment, and often even decorations and food. These kits can be a great way to get started with fishkeeping and are available in a variety of sizes.

How Much Does a Small Fish Tank Cost?

Now that we know about the factors that can affect the cost of a small fish tank and the different types of tanks available, let’s come to the main point: how much does a small fish tank cost?

The cost of a small fish tank can range from under $20 for a basic 1-gallon tank to $200 for a 20-gallon aquarium kit. Here is a breakdown of the average cost of each type of small fish tank:

Basic Glass Tank: $15-$50

Basic Acrylic Tank: $50-$150

Nano Tank: $30-$100

Betta Tank: $20-$50

Aquarium Kit: $50-$200

Tips to Minimize Small Fish Tank Cost

It’s important to remember that the cost of a small fish tank will also be different, depending on where you purchase it from. Pet stores and specialty fish stores may have higher prices than online retailers or big-box stores.

If you have a low-budget issue, here are a few things you can do to save money on a small fish tank. Here are some tips:

Look for sales and discounts

Keep an eye out for sales and discounts at your local pet store or online retailer.

Buy used

You may be able to find a used fish tank that can be available at a low cost as compared to the cost of a new one. Just be sure to thoroughly clean and disinfect the tank before using it.

Start small

If you’re new to fishkeeping, consider starting with a smaller tank. A 5-gallon tank can be a great way to get started without affecting the bank.

DIY equipment

Rather than buying expensive equipment, such as a filter or heater, consider making your own. There are so many tutorials available online that can show you how to make your own equipment using the items available at home.


In conclusion, the cost of a small fish tank can vary widely depending on the size, material, equipment, and type of fish you plan to keep. A basic glass tank is the most affordable option, while an aquarium kit can provide everything you need to get started with fish keeping. By keeping these factors in mind and shopping around for the best deal, you can find a small fish tank that fits your budget and your needs.


Can I keep multiple fish in a small fish tank?

It depends on the tank size and the type of fish you plan to keep. Generally, it’s best to avoid overcrowding the tank and to choose fish that are compatible with each other.

Do I need a filter for a small fish tank?

Yes, a filter is essential for maintaining the health and cleanliness of the water in the tank.

Can I use tap water in my fish tank?

Yes, but you should treat it with a water conditioner to remove any harmful chemicals, such as chlorine.

How often do I need to clean my small fish tank?

It’s recommended to do a partial water change and clean the tank once a week to maintain the health of the fish and the tank.

Can I keep plants in my small fish tank?

Yes, live plants can provide oxygen and help maintain the cleanliness of the water in the tank. Just be sure to choose plants that are compatible with the type of fish you plan to keep.

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